Use "deemed it his duty|deem it his duty" in a sentence

1. He deemed that it was his duty to help.

2. I deem it my duty to help the poor.

3. Don't you deem that it is your duty to help?

4. Horus saw it as his duty to save the Imperium and turned on his father.

5. He considered it a sacred duty to fulfill his dead father's wishes.

6. It is his duty to distribute water from the sea to all regions.

7. Your duty... is his safety.

8. It is his duty to register the names of the patients every day.

9. 7 It is his duty to rake the ashes out of the stove.

10. His evasion of his clear duty was reprehensible.

11. Don't lure him from his duty.

12. He'd give his own mother herpes if it got him out of clinic duty.

13. He is untrue to his duty.

14. He decided to shirk his duty.

15. WITCH, WARLOCK, AND MAGICIAN WILLIAM HENRY DAVENPORT ADAMS Abhorring equally the toil and the degradation, he deemed it a duty to prevent such a fall, and put his hope in his uncle

16. His was not an enviable duty.

17. I bought it duty-free.

18. ‘the Pastor believed that it was his Bounden duty to keep them on the right path’.

19. No parent can duck out of his duty to his children.

20. He was dismissed for inattention to his duty.

21. He was dismissed for neglect of his duty.

22. That deacon was simply performing his priesthood duty.

23. 24 He was dismissed for neglecting his duty.

24. We accused him of having neglected his duty.

25. He bought his wife some duty-free perfume.

26. 8 It would be a breach of duty for the guard to leave before his replacement comes.

27. 1 He was dismissed for inattention to his duty.

28. To Torah study To his beloved wife, Esther, until three years ago she passed, and to his duty, as he saw it.

29. Whenever he had a Compadre or a friend, it was his bounden duty to do him some service.

30. He had failed in the execution of his duty.

31. 11 He was dismissed for neglect of his duty.

32. It was still Baker's duty to obey.

33. The official was dismissed for neglect of his duty.

34. Whenever he had a Compadre or a friend, it was his bounden duty to do him some service

35. He failed completely in the performance of his duty.

36. Under the Mosaic Law, his parents had that duty.

37. And now, an immortal weapon has left K'un-Lun, not to fulfill his duty, but in dereliction of it.

38. The Coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty

39. His personal motto was Plikten framför allt, "Duty before all".

40. He was degraded from office for his dereliction of duty.

41. When stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he always declares that it is his duty. 

42. 20 The official was dismissed for neglect of his duty.

43. I hold it my duty to remind you.

44. He served in various operational units during his active duty.

45. It was a clear breach of professional duty.

46. When stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he always declares that it is his duty. 

47. 22 He considered that it was his primary duty to be a divine and theologian rather than a political bishop.

48. He bought a heavy - duty cleanser to clean his greasy oven.

49. When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of,he always declared that it is his duty. 

50. It is the students' duty to clean their classrooms.

51. Upon his arrival, Allemand was relieved of duty for "brutality towards his crews" and "rudeness towards his passengers".

52. The first duty of a director is to recce his location.

53. His duty was to conciliate the people, not to provoke them.

54. It was the only place for off - duty relaxation.

55. Adam abandoned perfection and his duty to care for the earth.

56. He seemed to Abrogate his duty to withhold law and order.

57. The military court reprimanded him for failing to do his duty.

58. Any man shirking his duty would be shot on the spot.

59. The committee heard that he had been negligent in his duty.

60. I feel it is my civic duty to vote.

61. It is illegal to maim oneself to escape duty.

62. 1 His duty was to conciliate the people, not to provoke them.

63. It is your civic duty to act as a juror.

64. I bought it at a duty-free shop in Japan.

65. It is our sacred duty to do our very best.

66. Bounden duty It is our Bounden duty to make it impossible for any airborne landing to survive its period of weakness during the first 48 hours.

67. The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband.

68. It's a duty for a teacher to take care of his student.

69. It's our duty to fend off a thief from obtaining his gains.

70. It also has an appellate jurisdiction over stamp duty appeals.

71. Your duty is to keep the maids out of His Majesty's bed

72. He was willing to face any hardship in fulfillment of his duty.

73. I thought it my duty to help stanch these leaks.

74. That is, it is a duty on aggregate net stakes.

75. Compassionate reassignment of a Soldier to another duty station prior to his or

76. In addition, though, he has the duty to accept responsibility for his family.

77. 18 It's our duty to fend off a thief from obtaining his gains.

78. It is now widely recognized that, as stated by the Regional Councils of Medicine for the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, “the doctor’s duty to protect his patient’s life should not transcend his duty to defend the patient’s right of choice.”

79. 1779: Surgeon Isaac Titsingh arrives for his first tour of duty as "Opperhoofd".

80. A new priest is challenged by his bishop or branch president to earn his Duty to God award.